


한국 근대 대중가요에 나타난 여성성의 실태 연구


A Study on the Realities of Femineity in Korean Modern Popular Song


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on the Realities of Femineity in Korean Modern Popular Song Lee, Dong-Soon There could be some cultural instruments which specify the changes in lives and society. Among them, it is necessary to pay attention to the lyrics of popular song. Korean popular song piles up diachronic changes over 100 years. Considering the early 1930s when the popular songs are produced actively, Korean popular song has about 80 years' history. We are sure to acknowledge evidently the realities of the colonized modernity by examining out the genre of popular song. Especially, we can surely know, also the aim of this study, how the problem of femineity or womanly recognition is reflected in the lyrics of popular song, and what the inner qualities, status, and problems are. In this study, the realities of femineity in the lyrics of the Korean modern popular songs are examined out and analyzed, focused on the particular examples. The development of history and the progress of democratization are not rapid in comparison with our desire. It is not pleasant for us to see that the femineity of popular song conforms to a stale feudalistic, colonial remnants, comparing with other cultural genres. It can be said that some negative aspects of femineity, such as a femineity as a one-sided, forced life, a femineity as an incompetent, and insensitive being to the change of social conditions, a femineity as a self-renunciative, passive being, infringement and abasement of a femineity under male-dominated outlook, are not passed remnants but still influential ones even today. The beforementioned condition and items continuously work on the current popular culture or popular song even today, at the beginning period of the 21st century.


1. 문제의 제기
 2. 대중문화의 여성문화의 상관성
 3. 한국근대 대중가요에 나타난 여성성의 현황과 실제
  1) 일반성, 혹은 강제된 삶으로서의 여성성
  2) 무능하고 세태변화에 둔감한 존재로서의 여성성
  3) 자포자기와 수동적 존재로서의 여성성
  4) 남성중심적 관점에 의한 여성성의 유린과 비하
 4. 맺는 말


  • 이동순 Lee, Dong-Soon. 영남대학교 문과대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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