

<특집> 古書속에 나타난 인문학 정신

한글법화경과 가나법화경 서품의 어학적 비교


Linguistic Characteristics of Hangeul and Kana Beophwagyeng (Seopum)

김기혁, 나까무라 에미꼬

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Linguistic Characteristics of Hangeul and Kana Beophwagyeng (Seopum) Kim Ki-Hyuk·Nakamura Emiko This paper aims to compare the sameness and difference between Seopum of Beophwagyeng (the Sutra of the Lotus) in Hangeul (Korean letters) and Kana (Japanese letters) on the linguistic perspective. The comparison of these two kinds of books can clarify linguistic characteristics of the language of middle age. The letter and phoneme, word, and grammatical phenomenon are reviewed to find out the linguistic property. Before the comparison of two different country books, Beophawagyeng (the Sutra of the Lotus) Eonhae (the translation of Chinese into Korean in 15th), and Wueolinseogbo have been compared to reflect the perspective of Korean Hanguel Beophwagyeng. And Myoilbon Kana Beophwagyeng and Joglibon Beophwagyeng, also have been compared. Also Chinese Beophwagyeng has been used as a reference. All these works are processed by computerized data base and will contribute to serve as a statistical data process. This study confined to the Seopum of Beophwagyeng, because the research of the whole book is impossible to handle in this article. Beophwagyeng are composed by 28 pum(articles).


I. 한글법화경과 가나법화경
 II. 한글법화경과 가나법화경 서품의 전산 분석
  제1장 법화경언해와 월인석보의 전산 대조 분석
   1. 표기의 특징
   2. 어휘의 특징
   3. 문법의 특징
  제2장. 가나법화경의 전산 대조 분석
   1. 표기의 특징
   2. 어휘의 특징
   3. 문법의 특징
  제3장 한글법화경과 가나법화경의 비교
   1. 표기의 특징
   2. 어휘의 특징
   3. 문법의 특징
 IV. 마무리


  • 김기혁 Kim, Ki-Hyuk. 경희대 국어국문학과 교수
  • 나까무라 에미꼬 Nakamura Emiko. 경희대 국어국문학과 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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