

The Analogical Study of Green IT: A Causality Model




Many companies have integrated the green technology usage into their core business process. This green IT offering addresses the information technology function/industry, which has a role to play in reducing the environmental burdens caused by IT and also providing advanced technology and solutions to reduce environmental problem. In this research, we focus our study on the diverse dimensions of related theories regarding green IT practices, and analyze factors influencing these practices from multi-dimensional context: ecological, industrial, and company context. By integrating the stakeholder theory and resource-based view theory, we introduce the causality model of Green IT. We proposed that initially, ecological context with its social, economic, and political drivers will derive various motives under industrial context (competitive, legitimacy, legislative, and ethical motives). As a response, companies will formulate their strategies driven by these motives (company context). Next, the Green IT strategies will determine the Green IT practices of the company along with the different roles of stakeholders associated with each motivation. We closed our study by arguing that green activities of the firm may have on its economic/financial performance. Discussion and implication for further research are also provided.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Green IT
  2.2. Stakeholder Theory
  2.3. Resource Based View
 3. Initial Model
 4. Observation
  4.1. Ecological Context
  4.2. Industrial Context
  4.3. Company Context
 5. Recommendation Model and Discussion
 6. Conclusion and Implication for FurtherResearch
 7. References


  • Chulmo Koo College of Business Administration, Chosun University
  • Yulia Wati College of Business Administration, Chosun University


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