

영어 동사의 보충절로서 to-부정사와 that절의 의미, 화용적 분석


A Semantic-Pragmatic Analysis of to-infinitive and that-clause as Verb Complement Clauses in English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to cognitive-functional grammar, it is said that meaning and form in a language are closely related to each other and that a difference in form leads to a difference in function and meaning. From this cognitive-functional perspective, this paper examines the semantic and pragmatic differences between to-infinitive and that-clause as the verb complement clauses in English. An attempt is first made to explore difference in meaning between two clauses in terms of subjectivity and objectivity from the perspective of the interest and involvement about the complement of the main clause subject. And the difference among potentiality, realization and factivity is shown from the perspectives of the realization and non-realization of the complement. It is also shown that the clear difference in meaning exists in directness and indirectness based on clause integration and proximity. Then, it is reviewed that this meaning and form interaction in to-infinitive and that-clause alternation is iconically reflected in the meaning of the subjectivity, objectivity, directness and indirectness.


 1. 머리말
 2. 주관성과 객관성
 3. 잠재성과 사실성
 4. 직접성과 간접성
 5. 개념적 거리와 도상성
 6. 맺음말


  • 이서윤 Seo-Yoon Lee. 동아대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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