This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of three-place predicate constructions in English and Korean. First I provide the classification of three-place predicates in English and Korean. In Korean, the scope of three-place predicates is confined to the constructions with the structure ‘X-ka Y-eyk(ey) Z-lul P-hata’. Second it is claimed that it could be a good analysis to posit double object constructions and dative constructions for English three-place predicates, while it is not desirable to posit the two constructions for Korean three-place predicates. Third, I discuss monosemy and polysemy theories on the meaning differences between double object constructions and dative constructions in English and Korean. Fourth, I compare the superiority effects of 'recipient' or 'patient' arguments in some syntactic processes
2. 삼항 동사 유형 및 분류
3. 목적어 논항의 위상
4. 이중목적어 구문 대 여격구문
4.1. 단일의미 이론 다의적 의미 이론
4.2. 상보적 분포 제약
5. 이중목적어구문에서의 두 목적어 논항의 비대칭성
6. 결론