

영어영상광고매체가 영어학습자의 정의적 요인과 어휘향상에 미치는 영향조사


Investigation on the Effect of Video Commercial on EFL Learners' Affective Attitudes and Vocabulary Ability

김수정, 주미진, 구승회, 권기양, 남정미, 장세은, 최성묵

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study was conducted to examine the effects of video commercials on EFL learners' affective attitudes and vocabulary ability. A total of 259 students from three universities and one high school were asked to take the pre-, first post- and second post- vocabulary tests after treating them with different vocabulary instruction methods: one with a video commercial and one without a video commercial. The students from two of the schools also filled out attitude questionnaires. The findings of the study were that the students' affective attitudes to the instruction using a video commercial were very positive. In spite of the positive attitudes, both groups of the learners treated with different instruction methods received significantly higher vocabulary test scores on the first post-test, and significantly lower scores on the second post-test than their pre-test, irrespective of whether the video commercial was used or not for the vocabulary instruction.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1 영어영상광고의 교육적 활용가치
  2.2 영상광고를 통한 어휘학습
  2.3 선행연구
 3. 연구방법
  3.1 연구 참여자
  3.2 연구 도구
  3.3 실험절차
 4. 결과
  4.1 영상광고수업에 대한 학습자의 정의적 반응 및 태도
  4.2 영상광고수업이 어휘능력향상에 미치는 영향
 5. 논의 및 결론


  • 김수정 Soojung Kim. 창원대
  • 주미진 Mi-Jin Joo. 강원대
  • 구승회 Seung-Hwe Koo. 신라대
  • 권기양 Kiyang Kwon. 영산대
  • 남정미 Jung-Mi Nam. 신라대
  • 장세은 Se-Eun Jhang. 한국해양대
  • 최성묵 Sung-Mook Choi. 동아대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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