

서구에 의한 사회문화적 혼란과 작가의식 고찰-최인훈 소설론-


The Consideration on Confusion of Socity and Culture by the Occident and Writer Consciousness-The discussion of Choi In-hoon novels-


중앙어문학회 어문논집 제41집 2009.09 pp.297-322
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper takes up Choi In-hoon's novels with the wiew of post-colonialism. The premise is that his ideological and difficult writings should be read in the context of the time when they were written. Since writings are the products of the time and society to which the writer belongs, it is just a logical thing to interpret the techniques of writings as well as the stories themselves in the circumstantial context. Therefore, this paper shead the light on the post-colonial society and the colonial system, which were the political systems Choi had to face with at the time in Korea. The fundamental contradiction of the Korean Society Choi confronted was the post-colonial obstacles. Choi believed that understanding and resolving this issue was his mission. The ideology and difficulty of his later works. thus, were to be understood not as methodological or technical experiments, but as the result of an author's attempt to search for an autogenously grown ideology in a post-colonial society. Consequently, such interpretation brings out the author's historical awareness to the previously knownepistemological implication. Most of Choi's protagonists are intellectuals of ideology. In “the West Excursion” the protagonist embarks on a journey back to the past where he experiences the shameful and painful history of colonization. The back to the past trip is an attempt to bring up the deep rooted problem. and make us to face the ever-avoided problem: it is an opportunity for a therapeutic inner journey. By approaching the problem. and getting to know it better, the author attempts to provide us to understand it better, thus, get it over with in easier. In “Christmas Carol,” and “Mr. Ku Bo's Daily Life,” there is a reversed pattern of Choi's approach to the problem. Thy story takes off from an ordinary daily life of an ordinary man, Mr. Ku Bo, and then it develops into the Utopian world of autogenously grown ideology. Through criticism on indiscriminate acceptance and absolutization of the imported western ideology, the author tires to give us the opportunity to see the western ideology in rather relative and objective terms. Eventually, the structure becomes the structure for the search for an answer.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 냉전이데올로기에 의한 남․북 분단
 3. 서구에 의한 우리문화의 종속화
 4. 서구화에 대한 작가의 의식
 5. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 배경열 Bae, Kyeong-Yeol. 한국사이버대학교 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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