This study focuses on a cognitive dissonance of an artist, mentioned in ‘One Day of Novelist Go-bo’. this is revealed as a conflict between the acquirement of material modernity was named ‘happiness’ by ‘Gu-bo’ and ‘Writing a novel’, the artistic-oriented. The hero of ‘One Day of Novelist Go-bo’ is a typical lumpen intellectual. The fact that his job is the novelist is important. ‘One Day of Novelist Go-bo’ indicates particularity of the novelist in ‘Gu-bo’'s daily life. In short, he is “the artist” and also can not be free of material needs. The duplicity of accepting modern life, and at the same time, keeping his own artistic identity is a conflict composition and the theme of this novel. In conclusion, a cognitive dissonance of ‘Gu-bo’ is settled by equalizing the art and daily life. This conclusion means that he takes the modernity summarized in money and time.
2. 물질적 행복과 구보의 ‘행복 찾기’
1) 신경증의 발생 메커니즘
2) 충족되지 못한 행복의 조건들
3. 예술적 지향과 생활의 조화
1) 중단된 글쓰기에 대한 강박
2) 불행에 대한 두려움
4. 결론
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