

강위의 초기 시 연구-<발미여초>를 중심으로-



중앙어문학회 어문논집 제41집 2009.09 pp.215-239
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examine the early poems of Gang Wi, one of four great poets in late Chinese Han dynasty. Past works focused on his later days so the study deals with his early literary world, particularly . Before going to the main subject, the study divides his literary life into several periods and discusses the structure and characteristics of Balmiyeocho.Chapter 3 classifies the poems in the into 3 subjects. First subject is his desire to travel. The study found he spoke about peacefulness rather than loneliness in strange places. Second subject is his interest in relics. The study found he wrote his poems based on historical facts. That was because he was influenced by his teacher Kim Jung-hee's attitude, who stressed the methodology of historical research. Third subject is his interest in Buddhism. There are many Buddhism-coloured poems because he mainly traveled around temples. Chapter 4 discusses the significance his poems in his literary world. He sublimated mental wandering by low social status into poems.


1. 서론
 2. 문학적 생애와 <발미여초>의 성격
 3. <발미여초>의 시 세계
  1) 방랑벽
  2) 고적에 대한 관심
  3) 불교에 대한 관심
 4. 강위 문학에서 차지하는 <발미여초>의 의의
 5. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 이효숙 Lee, Hyo-Sook. 강원대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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