The purpose of this study is to investigate meaning differences among the synonyms of Chinese characters. This study compares diachronically the meanings of Chinese characters which appear in the section of ‘Keemyung (utensil; tableware)’ classified in Hun-Mong- Ja-Hoe with those which are in supplementary books or dictionaries for Chinese characters, such as Sin-Jeung-Yu-Hab, Cheon-Ja-Mun, Wae-Eo-Yu-Hae, Jeon-Un-Ok-Pyeon, Ja-Ryu-Ju-Seok, A-Hak- Pyeon, Ja-Jeon-Sok-Yo, and Shin-Ja-Jeon, It also analyzes the semantic features of Chinese characters that belong with each meaning to find out syntactic and semantic development processes of the meanings of Chinese characters. For the semantic analysis, this study selected 32 characters with the same meaning, which belong to ‘Sickee (dishes)’, out of 312 characters that appear in the section of ‘Kee-Myung’ in ‘Hun- Mong-Ja-Hoe (teaching children to master chinese characters)’. There are some characteristics in those characters as follows. First, they retain conservativeness rather than modification in common vocabulary and the meaning related to basic vocabulary didn't bring that much alteration. Second, while the meaning of other sections of ‘Hun-Mong-Ja-Hoe’ has a tendency to consist of chinese characters, that of ‘Kee-Myung’ mainly consists of a native tongue. Third, the meaning of ‘Kee-Myung’ has rarely become an obsolete word. Since most meanings are a native tongue, they have gone through modification. Finally, while the meanings of other sections of ‘Hun-Mong-Ja-Hoe’ have lots of inflected words, such as verbs and adjectives, there are only nouns in the section of ‘Kee-Myung’.
2. 訓蒙字會 「器皿」部의 同訓字 目錄
3. ‘食器’ 類 同訓字의 意味考察
1) 솓
2) 가마
3) 상
4) 숟가락
5) 젓가락
6) 질그릇
7) 사발
8) 잔
9) 조리
10) 바가지
11) 주걱
4. ‘食器’ 類 字訓의 國語學的 分析
5. 結論
參考 文獻