The purpose of Housing Lease Protection Act is to secure stability of the residental life for the people. The acquisition of opposing power is demanded the delivery of house and the resident registration. The scoppe of opposing power is asserted that the lessee may assert all rights against assignee. The third person cannot recognize existence of lessee through the resident registration system. It has many problems so the law must be revised and complemented in order to protect lessee’s right.It is advisable that leaseholders should be able to apply for the registration of established lease for themselves with lease contract as evidence, which requires the reasonable revision of Realty Registration Act in advance. Despite the end of lease period in returning the lease security money, a lessor can put off repayment of deposit money. It is urgent for the introduction of Security Insurance System in Returning the Deposit Money for Lessee.This article intends to make an improvement of Housing Lease Protection Act.
II. 임차인의 대항력요건으로서 주민등록제도
III. 주택임차권등기명령제도
IV. 임대차보증금반환보험제도의 도입
V. 결론