

배치전환의 현대적 의미와 재구성 - 비교법적 고찰을 중심으로 -


The modern Meaning and Reconstruction about the change of Occupation or Workplace - Focused on the Comparative Oveview -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Change of Occupation or Workplace is the concept including not only as a disciplinary action but also as a employers' right. The Change of Occupation or Workplace as a disciplinary action needs to be limited by Article 23 of Labor standards law, and the one as a employers' right needs to be limited by Article 2 of Civil law. But the one as a employers' right is only admitted by Article 24 of Labor standards law. Especially, whether a transfer oder constitutes the abuse of a right for disadvantageing a worker's working life or life ouside the workplace is determined by evaluating the business necessity for the order and the comparative disadvantage inflicted on the workers affected by the order. Originally, the Change of Occupation or Workplace is the personnel management system related to guarantee the age limit and to assure the long-term employment system. therefore The Change of Occupation or Workplace basically, under Korea's long-term employment system, enterprises systematically in order to carry out a variety of education and training programs for their workers. But in these days of severe struggle for existence, we have to make sure the modern meaning and reconstruct the function and type of the change of occupation or workplace.


I. 들어가며
 II. 배치전환의 개념정립 필요성
  1. 개념상의 구별
  2. 전직과 전근의 구별실익
  3. 징례로서의 전직과 사용자 지시권으로서의 전직
  4. 기업내 전직과 기업간 전직의 개념상 혼동
 III. 배치전환의 다양한 기능
 IV. 배치전환의 유형과 조건
  1. 배치전환의 유형
  2. 경영상 이유에 의한 배치전환의 4요건
 V. 배치전환에 관한 비교법적 검토
  1. 미국의 경우
  2. 독일의 경우
 VI. 고용환경 변화와 배치전환
 VII. 요약 및 결론


  • 방준식 Bang, Joon-Sik. 영산대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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