


동북아 지역통합 - 개념과 쟁점


Regional Integration of Northeast Asia - Concept and Issues -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



About the possibility of regional integration, we need a sort of optimistic realism. We should pursue cooperation and integration together with the final goal of integration. About the question of whether the region should be East Asia or Northeast Asia, it may be argued that security cooperation focuses on NEA while economic integration focuses on EA. Northeast Asia matters due to shares in significance and urgency. About the question of which country could be the major actor inthe regional integration among Japan or China, the US, it may be emphasized that the US should play a role of catalyst for regional integration. About the question of which field or sector should lead the regional integration among economy, security or civil society, while economy is going well, the security problem or crisis could play a determining role for regional cooperation. We need a Bold, Comprehensive & Creative (BCC) Approach especially by academics and civil society like NGO.
We have two levels of tasks. In the level of theory, we need to work on future research agendas such as family studies focusing on Asian Value Study, a study on "Federalism" for the long term goal of regional integration, basic studies for "Regionology" & "Asianism" in NEA and finally research on models for regional integration in NE including regional integration index studies.
In the level of practice (policy suggestions), there could be three stages. In the 1st stage of policy options, building up an epistemological community could be the target, for instance, by means of consolidation of NGO (NAIS) Movement and establishment of education institutions like ‘Leaders Academy of Northeast Asian Community (LANACO)’ benchmarking "European University Institute" & The Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies (RSCAS)" Also, "in the goal of bridging the cultural and historical gaps between nations, it would be useful to organize large scale programs of exchange of students between China, Japan and South Korea, in the spirit of the European Erasmus program. As mentioned above, such programs are very useful in creating bonds between the future elites of countries. Students will have to speak a common language so the question of the lingua franca is raised. Similarly, universities must decide whether they want to offer courses in other languages than their own. The initial success of the Erasmus program in Europe for example has led many universities to expand the number of courses taught in English because that is the lingua franca between students. In Holland, there has even been the decision to generally switch from Dutch to English in university lectures."
In the 2nd Stage of policy options, solution of crisis & trust building could be a target by means of an international program "Northeast Asia Energy Community" including solution of North Korean Nuclear Issues, which could be based on the study of ‘Northeast Asia Development & Transition Belt Project’ in order to integrate not only NK but also relatively less developed sub-regions including Russian Far-East and China’s North-East Provinces into the more developed areas.
In the 3rd Stage of policy options, we may pursue a formal institution building like establishment of ‘Conference on Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia (CSCNA)’ based on 6 Party Talkwhich is NA version of CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation In Europe, 1975) or OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation In Europe, 1994) and establishment of ‘East Asian Economic Community’ which is institutionalization of APT.


I. 서론
 II. 동북아의 개념 - 동북아경제중심국가론과 동북아공동체론
 III. 동북아 지역통합의 분야별 쟁점
  1. 정치ㆍ안보
  2. 경제
  3. 사회ㆍ가족ㆍ문화
  4. 총론적 쟁점
 IV. 결론


  • 朴濟勳 박제훈. 인천대학교 국제통상학부 교수


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