


번역으로서의 필름텍스트 분석 試論 - 무라카미 하루키 소설 『토니 다키타니』와 이치카와 준 영화 <토니 다키타니> -


The study of film text as a 'translation' : novel <Tony Takitani> and movie <Tony Takitani>


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study has been started to analyze a film based on literature, as one way of translation. Cinematization means ‘translating’ a literal text into a audio-visual one. This case study is a research about the shifts from a original text(a verbal text) to a target text(a movie), by analyzing the movie , the screen version of a novelette sharing the same title, written by Haruki Murakimi, one of the bestselling writers in Japan. The summary of this study is as follows;
1. The novel describes Tony Takitani’s personal life in a timely manner. On the other hand, the character’s situation that he was lost and, in a deep frustration was specified in the film by place- centered presentation.
2. In the novel, the author explains every single character’s emotional status in an omniscient point of view, but the film adopted a narrator to objectify the characters.
3. Because of the limited volume of novelette, the book contains few brief episodes only. In the film, however, there’s an extra incidents that wasn’t in the book itself, and the episodes were incorporated in detail.


1. 小説テキストは時間中心の語りで個人史を形象化して、映画テキストは空間中心の語りで登場人物の孤獨、喪失などの狀況を具體化させている。.
2. 小説テキストは全知的な作家の時點からすべての登場人物の心理を語っているが、映画テキストの場合登場人物を客觀化させる效果をもたらすためナレータの活用をしている。.
3. 小説テキストは短篇なので簡單な事件中心で構成されている。それに対して映画テキストでは小說にないエピソードが追加されていて、小說で簡單に書かれた事件もより具體的にイメージ化している。


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 소설『토니 다키타니』(1996)
 Ⅲ. 영화 <토니 다키타니>(2004)
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 鄭仁英 정인영. 안양대학교 강사, 일본현대문학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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