A Warning of Modern Korean's a national identity Reflected on in 「A Pedigree」 by Dalsoo Kim
In accordance with the national strategy, Choseon people had to be transformed and absorbed into Japanese people excluding their national identity to which they had already adapted. Many Choseon people who did not have enough sense of nationalism or a strong will against Japanese colonialism as protesters against it had were in the middle of the stream of harsh measures. In his book, A Pedigree, Dalsoo Kim describes common characteristics of the Choseon at that time in which they were intended or unconscious. He shows them by describing delicate shades of psychology of Kyungtae who is a main character with preference for straying. In the book, despite the character still loves new culture of that time or civilization, he cannot help being attracted by a traditional culture of Choseon when encountering with it. Kim’s awareness of the fact that he was a Korean who lived in Japan might/must drive him to become a writer of Chosen nationalism later.
Ⅱ. 「族譜」의 가능성
Ⅲ. 조선을 바라보는 ‘他者’의 시선
Ⅳ. ‘1940년’과 족보의 의미
Ⅴ. 떠도는 조선, 조선인--「族譜」의 민족의식을 묻다
Ⅵ. 결론