

Japan Studies

일본인의 조선민담 연구고찰 - 일제 강점기 일본어로 쓰여진 설화집에 나타난 兄弟像을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Chosen's Folktales by Japanese Scholars - Focused on the Brotherly Model in the Legendry -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is to examine the conflicts between the brothers in everyday life mentioned in the legendry by Japanese scholars during Japanese colonial period. The brothers appearing too often worldwide as a motif in both oral literature and documentary literature are pitted against each other over the various things. However, the brothers described by Japanese scholars during its colonial period show only conflicts and confrontations. In general, the relations between the brothers in the stories are divided into two parts such as an evil brother and a good brother, a rich and a poor, a stupid and a wise or a lazy and a diligent. Wealth or money is only rationale why the conflicts and the confrontations are brought between them. The plot is organized in a way that the greedy brother follows his brother's success but fails to obtain it. At the end of the story, the conflicts between the brothers resolve to restore the peace and friendship, which is not the product of the hero's commitment and effort but an unexpected good fortune given by the obedience to the fate. The brothers in these folk tales also are not ones who overcome the difficulties they face. In this regard, the Japanese scholars' viewpoint shows that they discovered so Korean brotherhood that could not seen in the tales of other countries.


兄弟は世界の口承文学や記録文学にもよく登場するモチーフで、実に様々な理由で対立している。ところで、日帝強占期に日本人によって記述された朝鮮の説話集の兄弟譚は、すべて兄弟間の対立や葛藤を題材にしている説話のみである。説話集の中の兄弟像も‘悪兄善弟’, ‘富兄貧弟’, ‘愚兄賢弟’,‘怠兄勤弟’で形象化されるのが一般である。さらにその対立と葛藤の原因がすべて富(お金)にあるとの共通点を持つ。話の構造においても欲張りな兄が弟の成功譚をそのまままねて失敗し、懲罰を受ける形となっている。また、話の結末では兄弟間の葛藤が解消し、和解と友愛を回復してはいるものの、それも過酷な運命を克服しようとする主人公の意志や努力によるものではなく、与えられた運命に従順に耐え忍んだ報いとしての‘意外な幸運’によるものである。これらの説話集には現実に立ち向かって超克しようとする兄弟の姿は描かれていない。これこそ肯定的な日本の自画像を前に日本人学者が発見した、他国の説話には見られない‘あまりにも朝鮮的な’朝鮮の兄弟像であったのである。


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 설화집에 실린 형제 이야기
  1.다카하시 도루의 『朝鮮の物語集附俚諺』(1910)
  2. 미와 다마키의『傳說の朝鮮』(1919)
  3. 조선총독부편『朝鮮童話集』(1924)
  4. 나카무라 료헤의『朝鮮童話集』(1926)
 Ⅲ. 맺음말


  • 박미경 대전대학교 동양문화연구소 연구교수, 일본고전문학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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