

몽골인 한국어 학습자를 위한 언어 문화교육 연구- 언어 관련 속담을 중심으로 -


Research on Korean language culture study for Mongolian focused on Language-related proverb

Khishigjargal, Bukhkhuyag

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is written the purpose of stating language culture education plan as based on comparing Mongolian and Korean Language-related proverbs. The proverb reflects various cultural factors. Accordingly, number of cultural similarities as well differences between Mongolian and Korean proverbs are noticed through this comparison study. As result of analysis I would propose a specific culture educational method especially for Mongolian who study Korean language based on the differences found by this analysis. The ultimate object of Korean language studing intended for foreigners is the improvement on their communication ability between Korean, and culture education training would assign in particular position for this purpose. Accordingly identified the cultural differences as comparing Mongolian and Korean proverbs and would propose an effective teaching method for Mongolian students who learn Korean language in the principle of specifying the cultural differences. The research paper made up as following contents. First, inherent meaning and expression schemeof proverb were analyzed for extensive comprehension of proverb. As seen of expression scheme, proverb belongs to the language group. So through the analysis specific features of the two languages in language characteristics, and proverb expression scheme similarities and differences of the two countries could have been identified. Furthermore, this research is focused on analysis in Language-related proverb as applying main composition and similarity manners (analyzing the main rhetoric and metaphor.)As for language culture teaching I mostly aimed to focus on explaining culture similarities and differences as applying proverbs. (On view of culture education, this paper suggests consideration to the education and comprehension of cultural difference between Mongolia and Korea by proverb study.)It is capable to improve expression ability under using proverb. More over it is having potential to improve illustrating ability of students that follows as consequence of explaining difference of comparison method, and comprehension of similarity/likeness and conversion in both proverbs of the two countries, and based on clarifying proverb related to words of respect and relatives, and habitual Korean proverb context.


  1.1. 연구의 목적과 필요성
  1.2. 연구 대상 및 연구 방법
 2. 한․몽 언어 관련 속담 비교분석
  2.1. 한․ 몽 언어 관련 속담의 언어관습
  2.2. 한․ 몽 언어 관련 속담의 표현법
  2.3. 한․ 몽 언어 관련 속담의 비유체계
 3. 한․몽 언어 관련 속담의 언어문화 교육
  3.1.언어문화 교육맥락
  3.2. 언어문화 비교를 통한 발견 교육 내용
 4. 결론


  • Khishigjargal, Bukhkhuyag 몽골 인문대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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