

윤동주와 심연수 시에 나타난 만주 인식 고찰


A Comparative Study on Manchurian Recognition appeared in the poems of Yun, Dong-ju and Sim, Yeon-su


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Manjuria is a region which has been full of confliction and problems in the history. The poet, Yun, Dong-ju was born in Manjuria as the third generation of Korean immigrants and died at the age of 29. He lived in Manjuria for total 22 years containing the period spent in Meong-dong, Bukgan-do for 14 years. He had to leave his hometown filled with memories of childhood to study and the hometown was the place of eternal yearning to him. His mother was in the center of his yearning. So Manchuria was the place of maternity to him.Sim Yeon-su was born in Korea and moved into Manjuria when he was 6 years old. During his life of 28 years, he spent his last 14 years in Manjuria. To him, Manjuria was the place of settlement through pioneering. He expressed the familiarity about Haeran river and Yongjeong of Gan-do in which he lived. Manjuria became from a foreign land to his hometown through the long years of living there.


 1. 서론
 2. 윤동주: 원형적 그리움의 모성 공간
 3. 심연수: 개척을 통한 정착 공간
 4. 결론


  • 전월매 Yue-mei, Tian. 장안대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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