

초급 단계 문화 어휘 선정과 문화 교육 방안


Selection of Beginner's Level Culture Vocabularies and Plan for Culture Education

전미순, 이병운

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this thesis, a teaching plan will be prepared by selecting the culture vocabularies needed in beginner's level as the method for culture education. The learners at beginner's level who have just started to learn Korean language have not only deep interests in Korean culture but also strong desire to learn Korean language. Learning basic culture vocabularies provides help in the life in Korea but conducting culture education from the early stage of learning is considered to be very desirable since it is closely related to the ability to communicate in Korean language. Accordingly, the culture vocabularies that fall under 20 culture categories such as food, habitation, clothing, transportation, family relation, subdivisions of seasons, tourist attractions, cultural assets, rite of passage, persons, play, art, shopping, education, exercise, leisure, seasons, disease, Korean symbols and name of place will be presented by analyzing the list of culture vocabularies that will be recorded in learner's dictionary and culture vocabularies of beginner's level Korean language material and setting the standards of classification based on this content. Lastly, an actual plan for culture vocabulary education will be prepared through the method of 'presenting of culture vocabulary according to the circumstance, using visual material such as photos or picture, utilizing game, activity of reading and writing or listening and speaking and comparing culture vocabularies.


 1. 들어가기
 2. 문화 어휘 분석
  2.1. 학습자 사전에 수록될 문화 어휘 분석
  2.2. 초급 한국어 교재 문화 어휘 분석
  2.3. 한국 문화 기초 용어 문화 어휘 분석
 3. 범주에 따른 초급 문화 어휘 선정
  3.1. 문화 어휘 선정을 위한 분류 기준
  3.2. 문화 어휘 목록 제시
 4. 문화 어휘를 활용한 문화 교육 방법
 5. 나가기


  • 전미순 Mi-Soon Jeon. 울산대학교
  • 이병운 Byung-Woon Lee. 부산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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