Learning Spanish-Korean Simultaneous Interpretation Strategies
One of the most important strategic elements for interpretation learners in increasing the efficiency of their performance is the acquisition of a number of interpretation learning strategies. The strategies involve such issues as: how to process information with complete meanings, change word orders, filter out irrelevant data, share knowledge and information with conference participants, divide complicated sentences into shorter and more easily comprehensible phrases, accumulate necessary knowledge and gather information about the speakers together with the issues of Latin American nations repeatedly raised in conferences, such as the major demands of Latin American countries toward developed nations. It is important for learners to be familiar with the fretuent usages of specific terms. In the General Assembly of the United Nations, for example, the following verbs have been used by most heads of state and representatives: apoyar, desear aspirar, pedir, exigir, proponer, necesitar, alegrar, deber, celebrar, congratular, saludar, and acoger. Korean-Spanish simultaneous interpretation also requires students to be exposed to different kinds of pronunciations pertinent to each Latin American country because in Korea, it is difficult to find opportunities to talk to native speakers and listen to their pronunciations. In the meantime, learners who grew up abroad and only recently came to Korea need to refine their Korean, focusing on analyzing Chinese characters used in Korea and practicing Korea traditional expressions. Learning how to interpret numbers is another important task, together with processing speaker's non-grammatical phrases.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론연구
Ⅲ. 통역학습전략
1. 거시인지전략
2. 인지전략
3. 사회관계 및 정서적 전략
4. B-A 동시통역 텍스트내(內)적인 전략과 텍스트외(外)적인 전략
Ⅳ. 결론