

A Study on the Acceptance of Convergence System of Broadcasting, and Telecommunication, and Their Relative Efficiency Focusing on IPTV


방송과 통신 융합시스템의 수용 및 상대적 효능에 관한 연구: IPTV를 중심으로

Myoung-Yong Um, Sang Ho Lee, Jai Beom Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Advances in technology have resulted in the emergence of new information systems. The convergence of IT and manufacturing sectors has blurred the boundaries among industries. Also, such convergence has become established as a paradigm to build a new area. Especially the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication, notably in the case of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), is among the most salient exam-ples of its kind in recent years as a major case of disruptive technology innovation. Despite its much fanfare, such convergence, however, has not fulfilled the expectation; it has not produced positive economic effects while negatively affecting the growth of IPTV. Stakeholders in and around IPTV including telecommunication companies, broadcasting corporations, and government bodies wish to gain control of IPTV under their wings. IPTV has drifted in the midst of conflicts among the stakeholders in and around IPTV, particularly tele-communication and broadcasting organizations in a broad sense. Our empirical research intends to deal with how audiences accept IPTV and how firms provide IPTV services to utilize their resources. Three research questions in this paper include, first, whether Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) can sufficiently explain the acceptance of IPTV as an information system. The second question concerns with empirically testing the playful aspect of IPTV to increase its audience acceptance . Last, but not least, this paper deals with how firms can efficiently and effectively allocate their limited resources to increase IPTV viewers.To answer those three main questions of our study, we collect data from 197 current subscribers of high speed internet service and/or cable/satellite television. Empirical results show that 'perceived usefulness (PU) → Intention to use' and 'perceived ease of use (PEU) → Intention to use' are significant. Also, 'perceived ease of use' is significantly related to 'perceived usefulness.' Perceived ease of handling IPTV without much effort can positively influence the perceived value of IPTV. In this regard, engineers and designers of IPTV should pay more attention to the user-friendly interface of IPTV. In addition, 'perceived playfulness (PP)' of IPTV is positively related to 'intention to use'. Flow, fun and entertainment have recently gained greater attention in the research concerned with information systems. Such attention is due to the changing features of information systems in recent years that combine the functional and leisure attributes. These results give practical implications to the design of IPTV that reflects not just leisure but also functional elements. This paper also investigates the relationship between 'perceived ease of use (PEU)' and 'perceived playful-ness (PP)'. PEU is positively related to PP. Audiences without fear can be attracted more easily to the user-friend-ly IPTV, thereby perceiving the fun and entertainment with ease. Practical implications from this finding are that, to attract more interest and involvement from the audience, IPTV needs to be designed with similar or even more user friendly interface. Of the factors related to 'intention to use', 'perceived usefulness (PU)' and 'perceived ease of use (PEU)' have greater impacts than 'perceived playfulness (PP)'. Between PU and PEU, their impacts on 'intention to use' are not significantly different statistically. Managerial implications of this finding are that firms in preparation for the launch of IPTV service should prioritize the functions and interface of IPTV. This empirical paper also provides further insight into the ways in which firms can strategically allocate their limited resources so as to appeal to viewers, both current and potential, of IPTV.


 Ⅰ. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 문헌연구 및 가설
  2.1 IPTV
  2.2 기술수용모형(TAM)
  2.3 인지된 유희성
  2.4 자원의 효율적 배분
 Ⅲ. 연구방법
  3.1 표본
  3.2 측정
 Ⅳ. 연구결과
  4.1 측정모형
  4.2 구조모형
  4.3 상대적 효능
 V. 결 론


  • Myoung-Yong Um 엄명용. Research Professor, BK21(Global Business Leaders Program), Sungkyunkwan University.
  • Sang Ho Lee 이상호. Deputy director, Media Business unit, KT
  • Jai Beom Kim 김재범. Associate Professor, School of Business, and Director, User Experience Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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