

국내 원전에서 131 I 내부 흡입에 따른 섭취량 산정과 내부 피폭 방사선량 평가 경험 및 개선방향에 대한 연구


The Experience on Intake Estimation and Internal Dose Assessment byInhalation of Iodine-131 at Korean Nuclear Power Plants

김희근, 공태영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During the maintenance period at Korean nuclear power plants, internal exposure of radiation workers occurred by theinhalation of 131I released to the reactor building when primary system opened. The internal radioactivity of radiation workers contaminatedby 131I was measured using a whole body counter. Intake estimation and the calculation of committed effective dose were also conductedconforming to the guidance of internal dose assessments from publications of International Commission on Radiological Protection.Because the uptake and excretion of 131I in a body occur quickly and 131I is accumulated in the thyroid gland, the estimated intakes showeddifferences depending on the counting time after intake. In addition, since ICRP publications do not provide the intake retention fraction(IRF) for whole body of 131I, the IRF for thyroid was substitutionally used to calculate the intake and subsequently this caused moreerror in intake estimation. Thus, intake estimation and the calculation of committed effective dose were conducted by manual calculation.In this study, the IRF for whole body was also calculated newly and was verified. During this process, the estimated intake and committedeffective dose were reviewed and compared using several computer codes for internal dosimetry.


 1. 서론
 2. 내부방사능 전신계측
 3. 섭취량 산정과 예탁유효선량 평가
 4. 비교 계산 및 검증
 5. 결론


  • 김희근 Hee Geun Kim. 한전 전력연구원(Korea Electric Power Research Institute)
  • 공태영 Tae Young Kong. 한전 전력연구원(Korea Electric Power Research Institute)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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