

다문화가정의 가정생활문화 통합의 지향성


Directivity of Integration of Multi-Cultural Family's Family Life Culture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Multi-cultural Family Support Center provides various educational programs and services for multi-cultural families. However, there are controversies regarding integration and assimilation, ethnic identity and ethnocentrism, and state-sponsored multi-culturalism. From the home economist’s perspective, it was necessary to explore the direction of integration of family life culture in the multi-cultural society. This study concluded that there is a necessity to accept foreign culture and create a new culture while still maintaining their and our own cultural identity respectively. For this purpose, integration and assimilation must progress side by side to maintain the cultural identity and stability of multi-cultural families. But, women migrants are to adapt in their everyday life, they need to attend a Korean-language course and take part in a traditional Korean culture program such as having an assimilational characteristics. Also for the happiness of multi-cultural families ultimately not for the confronted problems, it requires sometimes education of changing migrants' own traditional customs and life culture partly. In this sense, educational and cultural programs held by Multi-Cultural Family Support Center are meaningful and their importance in adapting into everyday life must be recognised by all of us.


 I. 들어가는 글
 II. 다문화주의에 대한 다양한 논의
  1. 다문화적응 유형
  2. 다문화주의에 대한 논의
 III. 전통문화, 문화정체성, 민족정체성
 IV. 가정생활문화 통합의 지향성
  1. 다문화가정의 문화갈등
  2. 가정생활문화 통합의 지향성
 V. 나가는 글


  • 차성란 Sung-Lan Cha. 대전대학교 아동교육상담학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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