

'베니스의 상인'에 대한 기독교적 해석


A Christian Approach of The Merchant of Venice


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper I tried to point out the Christian paradox of ‘getting through lost’ in The Merchant of Venice and Christian allegory. The main characters took the course of ‘getting through lost’ suggested in the Bible (Matthew 10:39). Bassanio like the Prodigal Son(Luke 15:11-32) lost all his wealth, but got the lost things by marrying Portia through Antonio’s aids. Antonio and Portia got the victory over Shylock’s bitter bond, and Shylock also got some kind of suggested salvation. Jessica and Launcelot are the typical characters to reach the new world by losing the former state. Prodigal son story, Exodus story and Issac and Jacob story are interwoven in The Merchant of Venice. Especially Antonio’s attitude toward Bassanio is very warm and his mercy is highly adored, but his attitude toward Shylock is very cruel and inhuman. So he is to be blamed for his double character. Portia also emphasizes mercy to Shylock in trial scene, but she defeats Shylock by taking the same measure to prevent a drop of blood in the cutting out of a pound of flesh from Antonio. Portia’s attitude toward Antonio and Bassanio is very generous, but she is very strict and cruel toward Shylock. In this sense the Christian mercy is biased to Shylock. Even though Shylock’s revenge should be blamed, the biased attitude of the Christian to the Jew also should be blamed and reconsidered in terms of the true and sincere Christian spirit.


 인 용 문 헌


  • 홍기영 Hong, Ki-young. 한남대학교(Hannam University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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