

한국어 문법 지식의 변환- 품사를 중심으로 -


A Study on Transposition of Grammatical Knowledge in Korean as a Foreign Language: Focusing on the Parts of speech


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to propose a possibility of Didactical Transposition for grammatical knowledge focusing on the Parts of speech. Grammatical knowledge are categorized to the three types. There are an grammatical knowledges as a teacher knowing and grammatical knowledge for a teacher to teach, grammatical knowledge transferred to student etc. Each grammar knowledge is converted. There have been Transpositions in grammatical knowledge. There are an constituent Transpositions, systematic Transpositions and Didactical Transposition etc. A Didactical Transposition of teacher on the parts of speech education shall be made much. Because, parts of speech is treated to concept basic in Korean education as a Foreign language. Two methods were proposed for Didactical Transposition for grammatical knowledge focusing on the Parts of speech in this paper. The one is schematizing parts of speech and another is schematizing research act.


 1. 서론
 2. 문법 지식의 이해와 변환 양상
 3. 품사 지식의 변환 양상과 교수적 변환
  3.1 품사 지식의 변환 양상
  3.2 한국어 품사의 교수적 변환
 4. 마무리


  • 최웅환 Choi, Ung-hwan. 금오공과대학교(Kumoh National Institute of Technology)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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