

19세기말 ~ 20세기초 티베트의 군주론의 변용


The Change of Tibet's Monarchy in late 19century to early 20century


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After “Tufan” dynasty disappeared, many government substances that begun to occupy some region at Tibet, Tibet Buddhism reorganized Buddhist culture to Tibet society. On this circumstance, 13century the Mongol empire dominated Tibet. Since the Mongol empire's dominance, are the Tibetan Buddhist State sponsored by powerful external militant force was formed in Tibet. First of all Tibet Buddhism and external sponsor force should be considered for studying monarchy power of Tibet. As a real emperor who ruled the whole nation did not exist, Dalai Lama's are Tibetan Buddhist State as a main government. Dalai Lama's the Tibetan Buddhist State was not dominate force in political aspects. A religion-politics force, such as Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama, occupied the mainland of Tibet through the religious authority of Dalai Lama. Independent kingdom and self-government ruled the eastern, northeastern, western and southern except for the mainland. Substantial dominant force of Dalai Lama' central government generally didn't affect the whole of Tibet. According to this view, monarchy power of Tibet was the thing that controls wide region, however, the fact was that the power controlled very limited region. Since 1720s Tibet was sponsored by Qing dynasty, the Qing dynasty sent ambassador to Tibet for internal intervention. The western's shock, especially the British Empire's approaches stroke enormous shocks to Tibet that was subjected by Qing. The British Empire's approaches and extension of their force in Tibet of influence were regarded as threaten of Buddhist civilization. Change of monarchy power was inevitable to cope with powerful modern countries in Tibet. Dalai Lama 13th who ruled Tibet directly played an important role in change. He changed Tibet's sponsor from Qing to the British Empire in the competition of the British Empire, Qing and the Republican China. This is because Qing or the Republican China had not admitted relationship as an equivalent partner between Tibet and China, but they regarded the relationship as ruling and subjection. Then Dalai Lama 13th put an effort into domestic reform to dispersed pluralistically to centralized authoritarian form. Also, there was deep connection between the Panchen Lama the 9th's escaping from China in 1923 and this problem. Dalai Lama's reform often violated existing governments' autonomous rights, because of that Panchen Lama opposed to this aspect. Tibet in 1920s was still a kind of commonwealth consisted of anti-independent force. Although Dalai Lama 13th's effort to establish a modern nation obtained some results, there seemed to be some limitation to unify semi-independent force. Because Dalai Lama's foundation was a conservative Buddhist party and Tibet was still under influence China and England. Tibetan mainland could keep their country independent from 1912 to 1950. Two main reasons made it possible; one was England wanted Tibet's mainland to keep a neutral zone the other was the Republican China hadn’t done a positive policy to Tibet in its internal and external troubles and England's restraint.


I. 머리말
 II. 19세기 중반 대외위기의 심화와 친정 이전의 13대 달라이 라마
 III. 친정 이후 '청조 세력 구축'까지 13대 달라이 라마의 군주제 인식과 대외인식
 IV. '독립' 이후의 13대 달라이 라마의 군주 인식과 대외인식
 V. 맺음말


  • 박장배 Park, Jang-Bae. 인천대학교 인문학연구소 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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