

지방테마과학관의 실태분석 및 특성화방안 고찰


Analysis of Actual Conditions and Consideration of Specification Plan of Local Theme Science Museum


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Through 'Local Theme Science Museum' aid program that is one of emphasis promotion strategic project by 2007 'Science․Technology․Cultural Project Plan', raises status of scientific technique by national core ability because all people expand base that understand and support scientific technique, and forms a social atmosphere which is scientific technique is important which scientific technique can be spread widely on national life and society whole, and proceeds target that expand local science museum facilities by a base of local science culture spreading and popularization. Accordingly, to plan balanced regional development and utilize to an advanced base of local science culture spreading because offer a science culture experience opportunity to local inhabitants, 'Local theme science museum' project is doing for that establish more 100 science museums for national․public․private institution in whole country until 2012 year. Support 39 projects to 2008 from 1999 thereby, in January, 2009, 13 'Local theme science museum' is opened and operated. This study examined arrangement preferentially about ‘Science․Technology․Cultural Project Plan' that is background of 'Local theme science museum' project. Since surveying science museum which is on opening and operation at the present and analyzed actual conditions and facilities and investigated specification necessity and direction of 'Local theme science museum'. Hereafter, to seek plan for propriety of project by characteristic and difference of 'Local theme science museum' is purpose of this study. Now, need set and promotion of following specification direction for right activation of proceeding ‘Local theme science museum' by each area. First, differentiation of theme and justifiability of building, Second, propriety of site position, Third, maximization of synergy effect by mixing concept of 'Specialized Economic Zone for Regional Developmental Policy' and Ecomuseum's 'Theme center'


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 내용
 2. 지방테마과학관 시행의 배경
  2.1 과학기술문화사업 시행계획(요약)
  2.2 지방테마과학관 사업
 3. 지방테마과학관 사업의 추진실태
  3.1 지원 및 추진현황
  3.2 지방테마과학관 지역별․테마별 현황
 4. 지방테마과학관 시설 및 이용현황
  4.1 지방테마과학관의 테마별 분류
  4.2 테마별 시설 및 이용현황
 5. 지방테마과학관의 건축적 특성
  5.1 부지위치 및 대지조건
  5.2 연면적 현황
  5.3 평면형태 및 층별 공간구성
 6. 지방테마과학관의 특성화
  6.1 지방테마과학관의 특성화 필요성
  6.2 지방테마과학관의 특성화 방향
 7. 결론


  • 정진주 Jung, Jin-Ju. 정회원, 청주대학교 건축학과 전임강사, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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