

The Development of English Immersion Education in Korea


Joo-Kyung Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ever since immersion was first introduced to ELT in Korea, a variety of English immersion programs have been developed and implemented. They include ‘English camp’ or ‘English village’, ‘Teaching English in English (TEE)’, 'Content-based English instruction (CBEI),' and a total immersion school. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of these English immersion programs in terms of their current state, the characteristic features, and the major issues and challenges. It was suggested for a successful implementation of English immersion education in Korean ELT context that a general consensus should be made on the goal of teaching English in general and immersion education in particular. Developing additive, balanced bilingualism was suggested as a more desirable goal than focusing on L2 acquisition only. Proper teacher education focusing on teacher collaboration was also emphasized.


I. Introduction
 II. What Is Immersion?
 III. The Development of English Immersion Education in Korea
  3.1 English Camps
  3.2 English Villages or Towns
  3.3 Teaching English in English(TEE)
  3.4 Teaching Math and Science in English(TMSE)
  3.5 Total Immersion(TI) Program
 IV. Discussion
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Joo-Kyung Park Honam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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