

『천로역정』에 나타난 구원의 과정


The Process of Salvation Revealed in The Pilgrim’s Progress


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to show that The Pilgrim’s Progress is the process of sanctification which finally shapes the Sprit of Christ in the hearts of christians. The writer of this book describes The Pilgrim's Progress in the form of Allegory. The story of The Pilgrim’s Progress is divided into the seven parts: departing from City of Destruction, realizing the Gospel truth, Faith’s martyrdom, drinking Water of Life, far away visible Celestial Gate, Country of Beulah, and entering in through the Gate into the Celestial City. That division follows ‘A study on the Christian’s Image of The Pilgrim’s Progress in Terms of Avila Teressa’s Soul-Castle Theory by Kim, Jin Pil'. This paper will help the understanding of the book, introducing John Wesley's theology of gradual sanctification, because this book reflects the strict Puritan faith. John Wesley classifies the process of salvation into justification, regeneration, initial sanctification, entire sanctification, the grace of Holiness, glorification from the basic step. This paper reviewed The Pilgrim's Progress based on the classification of John Wesley. For the better understanding, John Bunyan uses the form of Allegory to portray the journey of Christian, realizing the human salvation and sanctification process is the happenings of human spiritual world. Therefore the journey of Christian is not the adventure of any physical travel but spiritual growth in the faith of Christ.


I. 서론
 II. 구원의 발전과정
  1. 파멸의 도시를 떠남
  2. 진리를 깨달음
  3. 신의의 순교
  4. 천국의 맛
  5. 멀리보이는 천성문
  6. 천국의 정원
 7. 천성에 들어감
 IV. 결론


  • 정재창 Jachang Jung. Seonam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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