

J. M. 쿳시의 반인종주의 윤리학 ―󰡔야만인을 기다리며


J. M. Coetzee’s Anti-Racism Ethics: Waiting for the Barbarians


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a Afrikaner writer, John Maxwell Coetzee(1940-) focuses on the representations of anti-racism and the responsibility of interpersonal ethics, In his novels, it is characteristics that these two issues are dealt with through the postcolonial perspective to examine the matter of coloniality relevant to race, class, and gender. This thesis examines anti-racism and ethics represented in J. M. Coetzee's novel, Waiting for the Barbarians. It is also an aim that Coetzee intends to tell ethics beyond politics through Waiting for the Barbarians. Waiting for the Bar barbarians can of course apply to a variety of historical moments just as the concerns of the complicit person of privilege who wishes to renounce their complicity can resonate with a diverse multitude people. Coetzee criticizes unjust domination and violence, on the other hand, deals deeply with the ethical responsibility of individuals who have supported the ruling classes. This dissertation explores how anti-racism and the ethics of the Other are embodied in this novel. Waiting for the Barbarians is explored how Coetzee reveals the falsehood of imperial ideology and simultaneously highlights the conspiratorial reality of an intellectual who resists. Coetzee describes how the magistrate's implication in the substance of imperialism is revealed through a “barbarian girl”, who becomes a sympathetic object of the magistrate in terms of race and gender. This thesis stresses that the deconstruction of imperial racism discourse is narrated by the magistrate himself. Therefore, this novel show that the narrator's ethical self-reflection toward the Other is not different from Coetzee's own ethical self-consideration. Furthermore, Coetzee tries to overcome his own limitations as an Afrikaner writer through his main character, the Magistrate. In this way, Waiting for the Barbarians reflects Coetzee's literary view that “writing is inevitably ethical.” Thus, Coetzee's novels can be considered to be eminent postcolonial writings beyond the literary category normally confined to the South African Literature and show deep insight and rich imagination concerning the Other.




  • 김현아 Hyunah Kim. Chonnam National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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