


처가식구-사위 관계 서사민요의 구조적 특징과 의미


Structure and Meaning of Folk Ballads About Relation Between Man and His Wife's Family


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper concerns about the structural characteristics and meaning of folk ballads about relation between man and his wife's family. Folk ballads about relation man and his wife's family consists of two types. (1) A man who makes a protest to his sister's husband against his unfaithfulness to his sister. (2) A man who looks down on his wife's parents. In the type (1), a man doesn't care of his wife. The brother in law brings his sister to his home. The man asks his brother in law to meet his wife. But the brother in law refuses it and makes a protest to his sister's husband against his unfaithfulness to his sister. So the structure is composed with the desire and frustration mixed type, because the conflict between a man and his brother in law has been not solved even though his brother in law made a protest. In the type (2), A man in high class is married with a woman who is in low class. He is passing by them meanwhile his parent's in law is working in the field. The man doesn't bow them and passes away. When he comes back home, his wife and kids makes a deep bow. His wife makes a protest to him against his looking down on her parents. The structure is composed with the desire and frustration mixed type, because the conflict between a man and his parents in law has been not solved even though his wife in made a protest to him. The meaning and consciousness of women abstracted from the structural characteristics of these folk ballads about relation between man and his wife's family are as follows; 1) These songs are made of dialog between a man and his family in law, but mainly composed with the voices of his family in law. It is the reason why these songs are sung by women. Women express their mind through the characters in song. Therefore voices of women are penetrated in the voice of brother in law and wife in song. Women ask for their husbands's love and make a protest against their looking down on their family indirectly through voices of character 'brother in law' and 'wife' in songs. 2) The origin of an affair starts from the fault of the son in law. In the type "A man who makes a protest to his sister's husband against his unfaithfulness to his sister" The sister's husband doesn't take care of his wife. In the type "A man who looks down on his wife's parents", he doesn't make a bow to his parent's in law. Therefore these songs exhibit the consciousness to criticize these wrong reality. 3) The structure is composed with the desire and frustration mixed type. The conflict between man and his wife's family is not solved even though the brother in law and wife make a protest to him against his fault. This shows the reality that the distance between man and his wife's family in law is very long and their conflict is not solved easily. These songs are composed of a dramatic narrative story and contains the frankness in women's consciousness. They could, therefore, be got very important valuation in literal estimation. We ought to study all types of folk ballads delicately and investigate the nationwide aspects of transmission throughly.


이 글에서는 서사민요 중 처가식구와 사위와의 관계를 다루고 있는 서사민요를 택하여 그 구조적 특징과 서술방식을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 이들 노래에 나타난 향유층의 의식과 의미를 고찰하였다. 처가식구—사위 관계 서사민요에는 <자형에게 항의하는 처남> 유형과 <장인장모를 깔보는 사위> 유형 두 가지가 있다. <자형에게 항의하는 처남> 유형은 자형이 누이를 내버려두고 장기바둑과 다른 여자에 빠져있자 처남이 누이를 데려오고 자형에게 항의하는 내용이고, <장인장모를 깔보는 사위> 유형은 지체 높은 가문의 사위가 낮은 가문의 장인장모를 깔보아 인사도 하지 않고 오자 아내가 항의하는 내용으로 되어 있다. 두 유형 모두 처가식구와 사위 관계에서 빚어지는 갈등을 노래하되, 사건의 발단과 전개 과정만 제기할 뿐 뚜렷한 해결을 제시하지 않는 ‘양면복합형’으로 이루어져 있다. 이는 사위와의 관계에서 늘 열세에 놓여 있던 처가식구나 시집간 여자의 현실을 있는 그대로 보여주면서, 시집간 여자들이 그러한 현실의 변화에 대한 ‘기대’와 변하지 않는 현실에 대한 ‘좌절’을 함께 지니고 있음을 드러낸다. 한편 이들 노래는 대부분 서술자의 설명보다는 인물들 간의 대화를 통한 직접적인 장면 제시 방법으로 사건을 서술하고 있으며, 이때 사위의 목소리는 거의 나타나지 않고 아내를 비롯한 처가식구의 목소리가 중심을 이루고 있다는 공통점을 지니고 있다. 이는 이들 노래의 주향유층인 시집간 여자들이 노래 속 인물인 처남과 아내의 목소리를 통해 자신들의 남편에 대한 불만과 기대를 표현하고자 했기 때문에 나타나는 양상이라 할 수 있다. 즉 여성들은 처가식구—사위 관계 서사민요를 통해 자신에게도 자신을 아껴주는 든든한 후원자인 친정식구가 있음을 표현했고, 남편이나 시집식구가 자신의 가문이나 친정식구를 천대하는 것을 절대 받아들일 수 없다는 자존감과 비판의식을 드러냈다.


 1. 머리말
 2. 구조적 특징과 서술방식
  2.1. 자형에게 항의하는 처남
  2.2. 장인장모를 깔보는 사위
 3. 향유층의 의식과 의미
 4. 맺음말


  • 서영숙 Seo, Young-sook. 청주대(Cheongju Univ.)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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