

소집단 동료 주도 독서 토론 활동에서 나타난 독해 전략 연구


A Study on Comprehension Strategies during Peer-led small group reading discussion.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, the researcher analyzed the reading comprehension strategies by carrying out peer-led discussion on literature work with fifth grade of school children. This study aimed to see the concrete aspect of reading comprehension strategies studying an effect of peer-led discussion on literature work. Discussing the research result with respect to research subject, first, most of discourses relevant to text in peer-led discussion were related to comprehension. About 94% of segments relevant to reading comprehension shows most of discourses carried out in peer-led discussion are related to reading comprehension and, accordingly, the researcher
could see that peer-led discussion as an activity after reading positively affected reading comprehension. Second, the concrete reading comprehension strategies were divided into eight kinds of strategies. The reading comprehension strategies contain synthesizing, questioning, inferencing, connecting, evaluating, responding, elaborating and monitoring. Strategies of highest frequency were responding, elaborating and evaluating. Through those strategies, the researcher realized that a cooperative construction of meaning is actively generated and a reciprocal action
between colleagues is made up in a group reading unlike reading alone.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 소집단 학생 주도 독서 토론의 개념
 III. 연구의 방법
  1. 연구 대상
  2. 연구 절차
  3. 수업 방법
  4. 자료 분석 방법
 IV. 자료 결과 분석
  1. 소집단 독서 토론의 효과
  2. 소집단 학생 주도 독서 토론에 나타난 독해 전략


  • 장봉기 Jang, Bong Gee. 고려대학교 대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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