

영화번역에서의 텍스트 축소와 메시지 변화


Text reduction in film translation and changes in message.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Film translation, or subtitling, is different in many respects from other more established forms of translation. First, it is from various signs such as images, sounds and texts to a single type of sign: texts. Second, it is subject to time and space limits on a sentence and scene basis and still it must render a readable and understandable text for its prospective audience. Third and finally, film translation is about our daily spoken language. This paper aims to study the relations between reduction in film translation and changes in message. Film translators are under a constant pressure to reduce their translation for enhancing readability for their audience. But reduction usually comes with a price: change in message. This paper focuses on three kinds of message change: the loss of information, change in types, and the loss of humor. First, the researcher tries to find out how often reduction happens in film translation by looking at sample texts from five Hollywood movies released within the last five years. And then word counts and sentence counts are compared between ST and TT to get reduction ratios. And finally the researcher looks at what kinds of message change happen when TTs are reduced.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구방법 및 자료
 II. 축소와 메시지 감소
  1. 축소
 III. 메시지의 왜곡
  1. 텍스트 유형
  2. 정보의 감소
  3. 해학적 효과21)의 감소
 III. 연구결과
  1. 축소의 정도
  2. 메시지의 변화
 IV. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 장민호 Jang, Min Ho. 금강대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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