The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of elementary school students about pseudo-science and the differences of view on pseudo-science among groups of religion. The subjects in thisstudy were 242 fifth graders and 200 sixth graders, who were tested to figure out their view ofpseudo-science. The findings of the study were as follows. First, as for their awareness of pseudo-science, they generally took a dismal view of the four areas of pseudo-science, including astrology,allusion, magic arts and supernatural phenomena, and there was little change in their view even thoughthey moved up to a higher grade. It indicated that despite continuous science learning, their cognitivepattern remained unchanged. And, Elementary students' religion exerted an influence on their awarenessof the four areas of pseudo-science. Specially, Buddhists are more permissive views than other religiongroups.
I. 서 론
II. 연구 방법 및 절차
1. 연구 대상
2. 검사 도구
3. 검사결과의 분석
III. 연구 결과 및 논의
1. 초등학생들의 유사과학에 대한 전반적 인식 정도
2. 예언 범주에 대한 종교별 인식 차이
3. 초등학생들의 암시 범주에 대한 종교별 인식 차이
4. 초등학생들의 마술 범주에 종교별 인식 차이
5. 초등학생들의 초자연적 현상 범주에 대한 종교별 차이
IV. 결론 및 제언
참 고 문 헌