


일제 강점기 경성의 출판문화 동향과 문학서적의 근대적 위상 - 漢城圖書株式會社의 활동을 중심으로 일제 강점기 경성의 출판문화 동향과 문학서적의 근대적 위상 - 한성도서주식회사의 활동을 중심으로


Commodification Trends of Publication and Literature in Seoul Under Japanese Colonialism with Reference to the Case of "Hansung Press, Ltd."


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korean modern publication market has been formed in Seoul under Japanese Colonialism where was political and economic center in Korea, for having Infrastructures building publication cultures since the end of 19th century. Most of publication companies have sought a way out in publishing literary books for their survival, as modern publication cultures in Korea have been restricted essentially within publication laws made by Japanese Colonialism. The market of modern publication in Seoul under Japanese Colonialism has turned structurally with appearance of Hansung Press, Ltd. established at 1920 that has been consisted of executive members studying abroad and originating from Hwanghae Province. The company has mainly published books for readers who educated persons, for example magazines Seoul, The World of Students( 『學生界』), The Lamp for Studying( 『學燈』) as well as modern literary books. Literary books have been not only escaped from publication laws but also made to major commodities for the largest commercial profit at Japanese Colonialism period. As seen in the case of Hansung Press, Ltd., publication companies in Korea have used literary books as main contents for growing up their business scales at that times.


I. 서론
 II. 일제강점기 경성 소재 출판사의 현황과 출판동향
  1. 경성소재 출판사의 현황과 출판 인프라
  2. 출판법의 제약과 문학서적의 대두
 III. 한성도서주식회사의 영업규모와 활동
  1. 경영인의 구성과 내력
  2. 초기 출판 활동
  3. 전성기 활동
 IV. 문학서적의 상품화 전략
  1. 연재소설의 단행본 간행
  2. 冠飾의 활용과 저작권 보호
 IV. 결론


  • 김종수 Kim, Jong-Soo. 고려대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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