


야마토타케루(倭建命)의 영상 -서국정벌담을 중심으로


An Image of Yamatotakeru : With Reference to Conquest of the West


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yamatotakeru who ventured to conquer western regions, as described in Historical Events, seemed to bear multifaceted characters, because a multitude of images were reflected on him. Especially his ferocity was a clear message that he could not succeed to his father, the emperor. Also it could be analysed in terms of a means to suppress those who disobeyed him. The ferocity had thus played an absolutely instrumental role in expanding the power of the Yamato regime. And his brutality appeared to show a role of punisher as he punished his brother who committed a grave sin to his father. In the long run, while he failed to succeed to the supreme power because of such brutality, later his son benefitted completely from his struggle for power. On the other hand, during his conquest of the west, femininity was manifested. It indicated a lot of courtesan- or female-shaman-like characters and implied a superstitious sense. He used alcohol or tricks to control rivals, and the red color was highlighted in the conquest of Izmotakeru. Marks of Ssanow could be traced from these. And some differences between Historical Events and Japanese Chronology are also discussed in this study.


西国征伐に出かける『古事記』の倭建には多面的な気質が窺えるが、これは倭建という一人に多数の映像が重層的に反映されているためであろう。特に彼の凶暴性は、父帝に継いで権座につけないという明確なメッセージであり、服従しない者を征伐するための強力な性格の付与という側面からアプローチしていく必要があろう。つまり、大和政権の支配力を拡張していく上で絶対に必要な腕力的な力として作用しているのである。また、彼の凶暴性には、父親の天皇に対して重罪を犯した兄の大碓を懲戒する処罰者としての役割が秘められている。結局、それらによって権力にはつけないが、彼の功績の代価は息子の仲哀にそっくりと渡されるのである。 一方、西国征伐の様相を概観すると、倭建に女性性が強調されているが、そこには遊女や巫女的な性格が濃厚であり、俗信的な意味合いが潜んでいるのであろう。また、酒や詭計をめぐらして強い相手を倒すところや、出雲国の肥河を背景にし、多岐に赤い色が浮彫りになっている出雲建制圧の所には、須佐之男の残影を確認することができる。その他、『日本書紀』の日本武尊に見られる倭建命との相違点については四章の所を読んでいただきたい。


I. 머리말
 II. 야마토타케루의 흉포성과 그 심층
 III. 서국정벌의 양상
 IV. 倭建命과 日本武尊
 V. 맺음말


  • 민병훈 대전대학교 교수, 일본고전산문


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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