


전근대 서유럽 세계의 진출로 본 근세 일본의 국제관계 변화에 대한 고찰


A Study on the Change of the Premodern International Relations of Japan in the Light of the Premodern Advance of the Western Europe


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article illustrates what control and foreign relations premodern Japan had in East Asia's international relations by focusing on the change of the international relations of premodern Japan caused by the advance of West Europe and examining the reason of the West Europe's advance, the Japan's countermeasure and the process dealing with the foreign affairs. Portugal and Spain, which had led the Great Cruise Era, come to East Asia for trade and mission, and succeeded in the establishment of many important bases for trading by violently participating in the then existing Asian trade network. The early 17C, however, saw the change of the leaders of the advance of the West from the above two nations to England and the Netherlands. That was partly because Japan prevented the missionary works, which, in turn, changed the trade structure. That is, Portugal and Spain were positively engaged in the missionary works as well as trading, and the then shogunate government excluded trading with the two nations for prevention of the mission. In the other hand, the Netherlands won the trading war against England, which disclosed her commercial center in Japan in 1623, and monopolized trading with Japan. This phenomenon was also because the Netherlands had put mission under a taboo and only focused on the trading. As a result, this reflection of the reality brought the severance of relations with Spain in 1620 and with Portugal in 1639, which, in turn, resulted in the change of international relations and diplomatic network of Japan. At last, 'Sakoku Policy' emerged as the basic foundation of international relations of premodern Japan, where Japan set 'four diplomatic windows' as a control of foreign affairs, and only through the four windows, the country kept relations with East Asia's countries and West European countries.




I. 머리말
 II. 서유럽 세계의 동아시아 진출
  1. 포르투갈의 동남아시아 진출과 교역
  2. 네덜란드(VOC)의 진출과 바타비아 건설
 III. 織豊期의 서유럽의 일본 진출과 금교정책
  1. 포르투갈과 스페인의 일본 진출
  2. 豊臣秀吉의 ‘伴天連 추방령’과 금교정책
 IV. 江戶幕府의 서유럽 관계 변화
  1. 네덜란드와 영구의 일본 진출
 V. 江戶幕府의 서유럽 통제와 외교 설정
  1. 막부의 국제관계 통제와 설정 - 鎖國ㆍ海禁政策
  2. 막부의 대외창구 설정과 국제관계 변화
 VI. 맺음말


  • 신동규 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 연구교수, 일본근세사 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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