

언어를 통한 사물과 사건의 표상


Representation of Things and Events by Language


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The formal semantics have its theoretical basis in the Aristotelian logic. Since the late 19th century, philosophers like Frege formalize linguistic expressions with mathematical concepts.In general, natural languages are considered to describe things and phenomena around us by linguistic expressions of various categories. In other words, the language connects linguistic expressions with a part of the world.The object of this work is to examine various facets of the world represented by natural languages. First of all, we analyze the denotations of French common nouns, noun phrases, proper nouns in the set theory. We examine also the semantic structure of the phrases whose predicate is action verb. And then, the analyses of sentential complements give us common nouns and noun phrases which represent the concept of proposition. After all, we can propose a model containing not only the individuals which represent things but also the individuals which represent propositions. Theses analyses can as well propose the sub-classification of adjectives by the compatibility with common nouns, in consequence we have the following sub-classification.
- common nouns of thing : chanteur, professeur, table, voiture
- common nouns of proposition : hypothèse, désir, opinion, rumeur
- adjectives of thing : grand, français, rond, rouge
- adjectives of proposition : certain, indubitable, inévitable, souhaitable


1. 형식 의미론과 세계의 표상
 2. 개체와 동작의 표상
  2.1. 일반 명사, 명사구, 고유 명사의 의미 구조
  2.2. 동작을 나타내는 문장의 의미 구조
 3. 담화 세계의 재구성
 4. 맺음말


  • 박정준 Park, Jung-Joon. 연세대학교(University of Yonsei)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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