

의미연구에서 구조와 인지의 문제


Structure and Cognition in the Semantic Researches–Structural Semantics, Prototype Semantics, and Fuzzy Semantics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Structural semantics aims at the lexical description of meaning by means of the approaches and models based on structural principles. And the fundamental methods are the feature or component analysis, which provides a universal component inventory of meanings, as well as the lexical field analysis to uncovering semantic relations, which are the basis for the structure of our lexicon. While structural semantics excludes all extra-linguistic factors (world knowledge, encyclopedical knowledge etc.) from the meaning analysis, the central subject of cognitive semantics is the term or the concept. Terms are not bound to linguistic forms and have no forms of linguistic phenomena. Rather, they, as psychological units, imply all knowledges relevant for the individual during the perception process. For the linguistic semantics both directions differ less in their goals than in their theoretical approaches and in the procedure. For any description of natural language meaning, we need methods and procedures which are empirically and formally adequate. Both can be met by Fuzzy semantics, because the concept of ‘fuzzy’ sets may prove to serve as a formally and numerically flexible link to connect the two lines of research in semantics.


0. 들어가기
 1. 구조의미론과 원형의미론
  1.1 구조의미론
  1.2 원형의미론
 2. 공통점과 차이점
 3. 퍼지의미론
 4. 맺음말


  • 정동규 Chung, DongGyu. 경원대(Kyungwon Univ.)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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