

Individual Isomorphism Acquisition vis-à-vis It’s Competitors’ Blogs



What makes blogs so similar? What is the intellectual core of the information systems discipline? What should/would we do on that. The key question is how and to what extent does homogenization coincide with the deployment of electronic performance systems, for example, ERP, TQM and KMS with WWW. The mechanisms of isomorphism help illustrate the types of social forces that enhance similarity of across objects. It is often difficult to see the overall pressure system-a complex, shifting pattern of overlapping contacts among rivals. Individual research may appear to be marginally related. Clearer understanding of the factors that drive performance could help to increase the individual’s position vis-á-vis its competitors. We introduced an mechanism that are the five steps taken to get individual isomorphism for researchers to adopt isormorphic or competitive pressures in organization.


 Basic Theories and Concepts
 1. Appling ecology and developing in context
 2. Social identity theory and means-end chain theory
 3. Isomorphism and low cost strategy
 Proposed method and five steps
 The Conclusion and Discussions


  • Gui-soon Noh Department of Business Administration, Chonnam National University Graduate School
  • Tae-kyun Lee Interdisciplinary Program of Electric Commerce, Chonnam National University Graduate School


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