

Determinants of Individuals’ Willingness to Continue Bidding in C2C Auction : From the Gambling Perspective



Given unique features of bidding behaviors such as the joy of finding items, the thrill of bidding, the excitement of winning, it is likely for some bidders to engage in a continued bidding behavior in online auctions, which can possibly be explained from the gambling perspective. Accordingly, this study attempts to integrate the variables from TAM with cognitive absorption and the escalation of commitment from the gambling perspective to explain a bidder’s behavior. The results from 258 responses from our survey show that all the constructs in the study influence a bidder’s willingness to continue bidding in the online auction context. By proposing our research model from the gambling perspective, we can provide an alternative theoretical lens with which to view online bidders, helping to inform how willingness to continue bidding is driven by applying the several concepts such as cognitive absorption, TAM and escalation of commitment.


 Theoretical Background and Literature Review
 The Gambling Behavior Perspective
 Cognitive Absorption
 Escalation of Commitment Behavior
 Research Model and Hypotheses
 Data Analysis and Results
 Measurement Model
 The Structural Model
 Discussion and Implications


  • Sang Cheol Park School of Business, SungKyunKwan University
  • Geewoo Bock School of Business, SungKyunKwan University
  • Jonguk Kim School of Business, SungKyunKwan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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