

도시재생정책과 공연예술 그리고 문화인간


Urban Regeneration, Performance, and Cultural Human Being in Metrocity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempts to draw out how the effects of performance and cultural project can cure the city people and social ills as well as boost the city economy through urban planning based on sustainable development theory. Performance and cultural experience have activated urban regeneration project which consists of many factors; social, spatial, physical, political restructuring, and cultural resources. It results in comprehensive and integrated harmony among city people towards the self-contained city and creative city as well. Urban regeneration policy is widely considered as a government's revolutionary step to boost decades long sluggish economy and refurnish cities which contain many signs of malfunction and social ills. The well considered and determined action among communities now can make a huge difference to the quality of life of Newark residents, not only in the towns and slums, but in the very inner city. Finally, the emphasis on culture-related policies examines alternative visions of how cultural planning might contribute to social, political changes.


 I. 들어가며
 II. 도시 재생이론
 III. 문화와 결합한 도시재생의 성공사례:뉴저지 공연예술센터(New Jersey Performing Art Center)
 IV. 나가며
 인 용 문 헌


  • 이연자 Lee, Youn-ja. 한밭대학교(Hanbat University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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