

다문화 동화의 현황과 전망


The Reality and Prospect of Multicultural Fairy Tales


중앙어문학회 어문논집 제40집 2009.03 pp.273-293
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to group for the possibility of multicultural fairy tales through examining the problems of current multicultural fairy tales. In order to do this, the problems of multicultural fairy tales that conventionally represent racial discrimination were examined in the second chapter. It is observed that in multicultural fairy tale, children from multicultural family are portrayed as the others, the exceptional existence in Korean society. The problems of multicultural fairy tales that recreate migrant workers as powerless and passive people were investigated in the third chapter. In that chapter, it is shown that multicultural fairy tales which cling to the firm dichotomy between good Koreans and bad Koreans are failing to portrait foreign migrant workers as people who can make critical judgments and act autonomously. In this regards, it is estimated that current multicultural fairy tales only reproduce the specific situations which the subjects of multiculture are in. Therefore, in order to overcome theses limitations, researches with narration strategies and methods in terms of which we can represent the specific situations which the subjects of multiculture as the common problems in Korean society are actively conducted.


1. 서론 : 현단계 다문화 동화1)에 대한 문제 제기
 2. 인종적 차이에 따른 사회적 차별의 스테레오타입적 재현
 3. 나쁜 한국인과 좋은 한국인 사이의 무기력한 타자들
 4. 결론: 특수한 존재의 재현에서 보편적 존재의 재현으로


  • 류찬열 Ryu, Chan-Youl. 중앙대학교 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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