

金宗直의 <和陶淵明述酒詩> 고찰


A study on Jong Jik Kim's 〈Hwa Doyeonmyeong Sooljoosi〉

김종직의 <화도연명술주시> 고찰


중앙어문학회 어문논집 제40집 2009.03 pp.189-212
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article inquired into Jong Jik Kim's 〈Hwa Doyeonmyeong Sooljoosi〉 which was composed in response to Yeon Myeon Doh's 〈Sooljoosi〉. Through that, I looked into Jong Jik Kim's attitude of respecting Yeon Myeon Doh and how his attitude differs on Yeon Myeon Doh, who proposed a model of hidden from the world in a poetical circle continued from Goryeo to Joseon era. Also, this article inquired into the fact that a work made by Jong Jik Kim's recognition of history and consciousness as a scholar based on Confucian ideas is 〈Solljoosi〉. The perspective of Jong Jik Kim respecting Yeon Myeon Doh has a perspective of hidden from the world, which intented to return to suburbs as seen from existing poetical circle, but also, it could be known that it was in natural intention of Jong Jik Kim, who had Confucian ideas as his lifelong bases and strived to educate local customs to model after Yeon Myeon Doh's ideas on integrity, honor and loyalty and recover the truth.


1. 서언
 2. 述酒詩의 비교
  1) 도연명 尊崇사상
  2) 述酒詩의 비교
 3. 결언


  • 정숙인 Jung, Sook-In. 남서울대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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