

역사의 종말, 그 이후의 문학 - 중국 현대소설과 한국 젊은 작가들을 중심으로 -


The end of history, and the post-literature -About Chinese modern novels and Korean young writers-


중앙어문학회 어문논집 제39집 2008.09 pp.213-237
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



China and Korea share considerable amount of similarities in their trace of history since 19th century till now. Both countries were suffered from the invasion of imperialist countries at the end of the 19th century. After the World War, China went through an extreme path, Cultural Revolution, and Korea passed through the period of political suppression that was realized in the form of dictatorship of the military. Accumulated social complication and the explosion of the desire of democratization after the Cultural Revolution brought about the tragedy of Tiananmen Square crackdown. The previously stated historical fact in China is similar to the Korean Kwang-ju Pro-democracy Movement which the expectation for the democratization was broken down by the new military government. In 1989, as the Berlin Wall Fell and the collapse in Soviet Union, the Cold War caused by the conflict of ideologies had been weakened, China carried out an positive open-door policy. As a result, today's China has accomplished the remarkable economic growth which deserves the name of 'Factory of the world'. Following this current, Chinese literature today has obvious trend of commercialization. Korea also has the issue of commercialization of literature free from the conflict of ideology after the democratization and the economic development. Literature is a product of wound and memory. Korea and China, both countries' similar history and memories can be a medium for the literature from the both countries to communicate. This study is focused on the possibility of the mutual communication, and introduce the comparison of Chinese and Korean literature. And this study will contribute to the exchange of the literature from the both countries which faces common issue of commercialization of literature.


1. 서론
 2. 중국 현대문학에 투영된 사회와 인물
  1) 중국 문학의 새로운 변화
  2) 과거를 돌아보는 다른 시선 - 위화
 3. 한국 현대 문학에 투영된 사회와 인물
 4. 결론


  • 이정현 Lee, Jeong-hyun. 중앙대학교 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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