

학문 목적 한국어교재의 읽기 텍스트 분석 - 내용 중심 언어 교육(CBLT)을 중심으로 -


Study on developing reading text materials for korean learners for academic purpose


중앙어문학회 어문논집 제39집 2008.09 pp.71-90
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently regarding a language education, there are many arguments that a unit of language should be dealt with at a level of context or text, not the one of individual sentence. Regarding a learning process, a focus is made on a learning process using a perception beyond the level of a memorizing by a simple repetition. This can be the result of reflecting the fact that a text and talk-oriented research is conducted in terms of linguistics and that a research on an invisible language understanding process is made in terms of psychology. A reading is the most important area in designing a content-based syllabus of lectures. Consequently, the education of Korean for a special purpose or a college studying purpose can be a Korean acquiring process as a reading process. However, Smith(1994) points out that a selection and organization of text, which contains topic vocabularies of a particular theme to be studied in a content-based reading learning, is very important. The purpose of this paper is to analyze data on a selection and organization of text, which foreign students should study, in a bigger framework of a theme-based language instruction, design a syllabus of lectures, and discuss on a direction to develop a reading textbook for foreign students.


1. 서론
  1) 연구 목적
  2) 연구의 대상과 방법
 2. 내용 중심 언어 학습(content based Languageteaching)
 3. 한국어 교육용 교재 내용 분석
  1) 한국어 교재 분석
  2) 대학 교양과목 교재 분석
 4. 결론


  • 柳海準 유해준. 산동대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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