

노인의 복지서비스와 건강상태요인에 관한 연구


The study on the Welfare Service and Health Status Factors of the Aged


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Purpose of the study is to investigate environmental impact factors welfare service and health status of elderly. Made investigation into the sampling of the 520 aged above the age of 65 residing at settlement house, facilities in Seong Nam city, Kyeonggi-Do. Collected Data for research was analysed using percentage and descriptive statistics, F-value, t-test and analysis of variance(ANOVA) was executed. And the results are as follows; First, it was found that periodic diagnosis, regular meals, regular exercises, regular life group was superior to other life group of etcetra in mental health. Second, it was found that regular exercising group was superior to periodic diagnosis in physical health. And activity group above two hours in a day was superior to non activity group in health of all sphere. Third, Groups in parallel included a vegetarian dieta and meat diet was superior to a vegetarian diet group in health of all category. Fourth, it was found that group of own house and the lease of a house was superior to other etcetra group in every aspect health. Fifth, It was found that a married couple old aged was superior to solitude, other etcetra group aspect in mental health. In conclusion it is needed stable housing, much physical activity amount, secure of basic life protection relief recipient and diverse family members to maintain and promote health of aged in physical, mental, social health.


 서 론
  1. 조사대상
  2. 조사항목 및 분석방법
 결 과
  1. 건강관리 활동유형과 건강상태
  2. 사회경제요인 및 건강상태
 결 론


  • 김경우 Kim, Kyung-Woo. 을지대학교(Eulji Univ.)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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