A Study on the Improving Direction and Institutional Character of Defects Liability in Construction Works
These days the typical method that guarantees the efficiency of construction is the defect liability. Although the object and the period of defect liability has been stated in korean law, it is not the access method of which positive to attain the object agreement with use of a contract. It is also a positive work ethic concerning the circumstances surrounding rudimentary construction skills, to apply across the board to all constructions of a large calibre, but in the current circumstances concerned with developed construction skills that is requires the method guaranteeing efficiency of agreement with the demand of the contract rather than general standards. Therefore, this study considers the institutional character of defects liability that is becoming a problem in recent times, and presents basic data for the introduction of warranty contract opportunity as an improvement to the program.
1. 서 론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 내용
2. 하자담보책임제도의 법적 특성
2.1 하자담보책임
2.2 하자의 개념
2.3 하자담보 계약약관
3. 관련법의 하자담보책임제도
3.1 민법의 규정
3.2 건설산업기본법의 규정
3.3 국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률의 규정
3.4 성능보증제도
4. 채무불이행과 담보책임
4.1 채무불이행
4.2 담보책임
4.3 채무불이행과 담보책임의 비교
5. 제도 개선 방향
5.1 제도개선 논의
5.2 제도개선 방향
6. 결 론