

1940년대 제주시 주택의 평면형태 및 가구구조에 관한 연구


A Study on Typology and Wooden Structure of Jeju City Houses in 1940's


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Houses in jeju city are divided into separated types and combination types of household affairs space. Other special types are separated-kitchen type. Separated household affairs space type were sitting room + Gopang separate type and separate sitting room type. Combination household affairs space type made from sitting room, kitchen, Gopang and Chabang(Dining room) put together as space differentiation, also into classes sitting room + kitchen + Gopang + Chabang type, sitting room + kitchen + Chabang type, sitting room + kitchen + Gopang, sitting room + kitchen type by combination household cares space type. Separated-kitchen type was one of the special type from separated-kitchen type of traditional housing, and type with continuous. Houses in jeju city were 3 kan type and 4 kan type. 4kan was mostly built. 5ryang structure has mugoju(無高柱) 5 rang. 2goju(高柱)7rang is traditional housing structure figure, that comes long time continues a way of build housing, further more ganisig or changed to 2goju7rang. Ganisig7rang is composed housing style from mugoju, and that housing style appear from during transformation of ganisig 2goju7rang, and generally used to common people.


 1. 서 론
 2. 평면형태
  2.1 실구성에 의한 분류
  2.2 칸수에 의한 분류
 3. 가구구조
  3.1 5량 구조
  3.2 7량 구조
 4. 결 론


  • 김형남 Kim, Hyung-Nam. 제주산업정보대학 건축디자인과 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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