The Relation of Local Resources and BiBo Landscapes of Agricultural Villages - Focused on Yeoungdong Area in Gangwon Province -
In our traditional living lives, our ancestors have been succeeded in and developed the shortage-replenishing materials to balance with the nature and supplement the condition of geography by the measures, called the BiBo, in order to be harmonized with the nature. This study is purposed to find the meaning and quality of the BiBo materials distributed throughout the agriculture village in Yeoungdong area, Gangwon province in terms of scenery perspectives. It is found that there are 56 village forests, 18 BiBo symbolic properties and 2 BiBo ponds in Yeoungdong area, Gangwon province. Among these, village forests are largely consisting of pine trees and most of them are functioned for water-entrance defender. Including these village forests, the BiBo symbolic properties are important historic and cultural resources in this area and expected to be used as the income-source of the farm village.
1. 서론
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구 방법
2. 비보(裨補)의 연구사적 고찰
3. 강원 영동지역 비보경관의 사례 조사 분석
3.1 마을 숲
3.2 강원영동지역의 비보상징물
3.3 비보 못
4. 마을 비보경관자원의 문화적 가치
5. 결론